Percent Treecover in Kenya
The Vegetation Continuous Fields (VCF) collection contains proportional estimates for vegetative cover types: woody vegetation, herbaceous vegetation, and bare ground. The product is derived from all seven bands of the MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor onboard NASA's...
Average Annual Rainfall in Kenya
This data was used in Map 3.1 in Nature's Benefits in Kenya: An Atlas of Ecosystems and Human Well-Being.
Kenya shaded relief surface (250m resolution)
This data was used in maps throughout Nature's Benefits in Kenya: An Atlas of Ecosystems and Human Well-Being.
Distance to water points in northern Kenya
This data was used in Map 5.8 and Map 5.9 in Nature's Benefits in Kenya: An Atlas of Ecosystems and Human Well-Being. Use attribute field VALUE to display data. Units are in kilometers. 0 = 0 kilometers from nearest water point 5 = 0.1 - 5 kilometers from nearest water point 10 = 5 -...
Kenya Shaded Relief Surface (90m resolution)
The cell values represent illumination value from 0 - 255. Shaded relief surfaces are mainly used as background in mapping and displaying data. [RETURN] This spatial data set is a derivative product of the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission(SRTM) digital elevation model(DEM) data set. The SRTM DEM...
Kenya Digital Elevation Model (90m resolution)
The objective of the SRTM mission is to obtain elevation radar data on a near-global scale and generate the most complete high-resolution digital topographic database of the Earth. The information collected by SRTM will be used to provide a tool to enhance the activities of scientists, the...
Kenya Digital Elevation Model (DEM) (250m resolution)
This data was used in maps throughout Nature's Benefits in Kenya: An Atlas of Ecosystems and Human Well-Being.