Featured Dataset of Electric School Bus Adoption in the United States
Transitioning to electric school buses (ESBs) from traditional diesel-powered school buses can reduce students’ exposure to air pollution and decrease greenhouse gas emissions. School districts and private fleet operators around the United States are adopting electric school buses with increasing...
China Overseas Finance Inventory Database
The COFI database includes power-generation projects in Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) countries financed by Chinese corporations and banks that reached financial closure from 2000 to 2023. Types of financing include debt and equity investment, with the latter including greenfield foreign direct...
Local Government Renewables Action Tracker
The Tracker contains information on two types of renewables activities commonly being pursued by local governments in the United States: 1. Electricity purchases and transactions, such as on-site solar, community solar projects, off-site power purchase agreements (PPAs), and green tariff...
Supplementary Materials for "State of the Nationally Determined Contributions...
This dataset presents information on the adaptation components of 86 countries’ NDCs submitted until June 30, 2021, in association with the working paper State of the Nationally Determined Contributions: Enhancing Adaptation Ambition. Nine NAPs submitted by the 86 countries during this time frame...
Datasheet for Technical Note: A Breakdown of Developed Countries’ Public Clim...
This dataset contains a breakdown of developed countries individual public contributions in public climate finance towards the $100 billion commitment between 2013-2018. This dataset was used in WRI’s technical note ‘A Breakdown of Developed Countries’ Public Climate Finance Contributions Towards...
WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities’ Water and Sanitation 15-City Study
To address the absence of comparable city-level water data, this dataset compiles data from 15 global South cities located in sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and Latin America and among the regions that are the focus of the World Resources Report (WRR) "Towards a More Equal City". The 15 cities...
Climate Watch - U.S. States Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Climate Watch Historical GHG Emissions module enables data analysis by allowing users to quickly narrow down by year, gas, state, and sector. Automatic calculations for percent changes from prior year, per capita, per GDP, and cumulative number across years are also available. Users are presented...
Climate Vulnerable Forum Mapping of Opportunities
This data maps opportunities for Climate Vulnerable Forum countries to enhance their Nationally Determined Contribution by 2020.
Reefs at Risk Revisited: Climate-Related Threats Data
Global (i.e., climate-related) threats to the world's coral reefs were analyzed. These include: past thermal stress (i.e., warming seas and bleaching over the last decade), future thermal stress (ie., projections of future warming in 2030 and 2050); and ocean acidification (i.e., reduced ocean...
Reefs at Risk Revisited (Local Threats Data)
Threats from coastal development, marine-based pollution and damage, overfishing and destructive fishing, and watershed-based pollution were analyzed separately. These threats were integrated into the Integrated Local Threat index. Past thermal stress was integrated with local threats into the...
CAIT - Countries' Pre-2020 Climate Pledges submitted to the UNFCCC
The structured data from the CAIT Pre-2020 Pledges Map enables users to explore, compare, and assess climate change mitigation pledges submitted by Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 2009 and 2010. The information related to quantified economy-wide...
CAIT - Country Clean Technology Data
This collection emerges from a collaboration of five leading research institutions: World Resources Institute (WRI), Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Öko Institut, Renmin University, and The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), based in the target countries. Researchers at...
CAIT Indonesia Climate Data Explorer (PINDAI) Data
The data set draws primarily from Local Action Plan for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction (RAD GRK), and Medium Term Local Development Plans (RPJMD) of each province in Indonesia. These documents are obtained from Indonesian national and regional government agencies, including the Secretariat of...
Aqueduct Global Flood Risk Country Rankings
Key Findings Approximately, 21 million people worldwide could be affected by river floods on average each year, and the 15 countries with the most people exposed, including India, Bangladesh, China, Vietnam, Pakistan, Indonesia, Egypt, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Brazil, Thailand, Democratic...