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Dataset of Electric School Bus Adoption in the United States
This dataset tracks electric school bus (ESB) adoption across the United States. It tracks the number of "committed" ESBs at the school district level, as well as details about individual buses, including the bus manufacturer and funding source(s). It also tracks when each ESB passed through the phases of the adoption process and the current phase of each bus. The dataset contains school district socio-economic characteristics, like poverty rates, racial composition and air pollution to enable wider analysis including whether the transition to ESBs is happening equitably.
Dataset of U.S. School Bus Fleets
Detailed information on the composition of school bus fleets in the United States. The dataset contains data from 46 states and the District of Columbia, with information including the school district that the school bus serves, its model year, fuel type, manufacturer, seating capacity and ownership model. WRI researchers compiled the dataset by submitting records requests to state governments between March and November 2022.