Climate, Economics, and Finance
Supplementary Materials for "China's International Climate-Related Finance Provision and Mobilization for South-South Cooperation"
These datasets underpin a WRI working paper on climate-related finance provided and mobilized by China from 2013 to 2022 for South-South cooperation. The datasets include calculations of China’s climate financing through multilateral public finance and all other non-multilateral public finance including bilateral public, export credits and mobilized private finance.
Caution: When interpreting the data for bilateral public, export credits and private finance mobilized, it is important to know that the application of Rio Marker might be subject to change. The decision as to what coefficient to use for different activities might also be subject to change. The calculation of attributable climate finance in multilateral contexts involves a degree of subjectivity in the attribution formulas. There are debates regarding the appropriate weighting of various factors. For instance, some argue for greater emphasis on callable capital, and some dispute the ideal credit rating threshold for including or excluding callable capital in calculations. These methodological choices can significantly impact the final attribution of climate finance to individual countries.