Land & Carbon Lab
Annual 30-m maps of global grassland class and extent (2000–2022)
Global maps of grassland class created from satellite imagery with 30-meter spatial resolution and annual temporal resolution.
Dec 16, 2024
Last Updated
Dec 16, 2024
- Many areas of the world are predicted to be cultivated grassland but are actually cropland or some other cyclical short vegetation land cover. The peer-reviewed publication should be consulted for known defects and geographic contextualization including regions of under or over-prediction for certain classes.
- The primary data products are two grassland class probability maps. The dominant grassland class map is based on balanced probability thresholds for each map which results in maps that likely have a conservative estimate for total grassland worldwide.
- The dominant grassland class maps preferentially select for the natural/semi-natural class over the cultivated class when the probability threshold for each is achieved. This is in part because the natural/semi-natural classification model had higher accuracy.
WRI Data
4 Data Files